add an aggregate column to this ranking to collapse/expand groups
add all columns to this ranking
add another column to this ranking, identified by column name or label. magic names are used for special columns:
the composite column description
additional columns to add as children
add a group column to show the current group name
specify grouping criteria
specify another grouping sorting criteria
the column name optionally with encoded sorting separated by colon, e.g. a:desc
ascending or descending order
add an imposed column (numerical column colored by categorical column) to this ranking
optional label
numerical column reference
categorical column reference
add a nested / group composite column
optional label
first element of the group enforcing not empty ones
additional columns
add a ranking column
add reducing column (min, max, median, mean, ...)
optional label
operation to apply (min, max, median, mean, ...)
first numerical column
second numerical column
additional numerical columns
add a scripted / formula column
optional label
the JS code see ScriptColumn for details
additional script columns
add a selection column for easier multi selections
specify another sorting criteria
the column name optionally with encoded sorting separated by colon, e.g. a:desc
ascending or descending order
add suporttypes (aggregate, rank, selection) to the ranking
add a weighted sum / stack column
optional label
the first numerical column
its weight (0..1)
the second numerical column
its weight (0..1)
alternating column weight references
builder for a ranking