change the aggregation strategy that should be used when grouping by a column
option to enable/disable animated transitions
builds the data provider itself
custom function whether the given renderer should be allowed to render the give colum in the given mode
push another column description to this data provider
column description or builder instance
add the default ranking (all columns) to this data provider
add support types, too, default: true
option to specify the default slope graph mode
tirggers to assign colors for the given descriptions
triggers to derive the column descriptions for the given data
optional enforced order of columns
disables advanced model features (add combine column, data mapping, edit pattern, ...)
disables advanced ranking features (sort by, group by, sorting hierarchy, ...)
disables advanced ui features (change visualization, color mapping)
custom function to compute the height of a row (group or item)
option to enforce that the whole row is shown upon hover without overflow hidden
filter all rankings by all filters in LineUp
height and padding of an aggregated group in pixel
show the sorting and grouping hierarchy indicator in the side panel
enable flag
option to ignore unsupported browser check - at own risk
identifier for this LineUp instance. by default a random id is generated.
option to rotate labels on demand in narrow columns
rotation in degrees
allow multiple selections
option to enable overview mode by default, just valid when building a Taggle instance
whether to propagate a collapse operation to its children
add another ranking to this data provider
ranking builder
register another column type to this data provider
unique type id
column class
register a new renderer factory function
the renderer id
factory class implementing the renderer
register another toolbar action which can be used within a model class
toolbar id
register another toolbar action which can be sued within a model class
dialog id
addon description
restores a given ranking dump
dump as created using '.dump()'
height and padding of a row
use the schedulded task executor to asynchronously compute aggregations
when using a top-n strategy how many items should be shown
option to enable/disable the side panel
enable flag
whether collapsed by default
allow just a single selection
option to enable/disable showing a summary (histogram, ...) in the header
builder for a LocalDataProvider along with LineUp configuration options