Interface ITaggleOptions

interface ITaggleOptions {
    animated: boolean;
    canRender: (
        type: string,
        renderer: ICellRendererFactory,
        col: Column,
        mode: ERenderMode,
    ) => boolean;
    copyableRows: boolean;
    customRowUpdate: (row: HTMLElement, rowIndex: number) => void;
    defaultSlopeGraphMode: "item" | "band";
    dynamicHeight: (
        data: (IGroupItem | Readonly<IOrderedGroup>)[],
        ranking: Ranking,
    ) => IDynamicHeight;
    expandLineOnHover: boolean;
    flags: Partial<ILineUpFlags>;
    groupHeight: number;
    groupPadding: number;
    hierarchyIndicator: boolean;
    ignoreUnsupportedBrowser: boolean;
    instanceId: string;
    labelRotation: number;
    levelOfDetail: (rowIndex: number) => "high" | "low";
    livePreviews: Partial<ILivePreviewOptions>;
    onDialogBackgroundClick: "cancel" | "confirm";
    overviewMode: boolean;
    renderers: { [type: string]: ICellRendererFactory };
    resolveToolbarActions: (
        col: Column,
        keys: string[],
        lookup: IToolbarLookup<IToolbarAction>,
    ) => IToolbarAction[];
    resolveToolbarDialogAddons: (
        col: Column,
        keys: string[],
        lookup: IToolbarLookup<IToolbarDialogAddon>,
    ) => IToolbarDialogAddon[];
    rowHeight: number;
    rowPadding: number;
    selectionActivateFilter: string | boolean;
    sidePanel: boolean;
    sidePanelCollapsed: boolean;
    summaryHeader: boolean;
    toolbarActions: IToolbarLookup<IToolbarAction>;
    toolbarDialogAddons: IToolbarLookup<IToolbarDialogAddon>;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


animated: boolean

option to enable/disable animated transitions

canRender: (
    type: string,
    renderer: ICellRendererFactory,
    col: Column,
    mode: ERenderMode,
) => boolean

custom check whether a given renderer can render the given column in the given mode

copyableRows: boolean

option to enable to copy selected rows using ctrl-c

customRowUpdate: (row: HTMLElement, rowIndex: number) => void

custom function to be called when updating a HTML row

Type declaration

    • (row: HTMLElement, rowIndex: number): void
    • Parameters

      • row: HTMLElement

        node element to be updated

      • rowIndex: number

        row index to be rendered in the row

      Returns void

defaultSlopeGraphMode: "item" | "band"

option to specify the default slope graph mode

dynamicHeight: (
    data: (IGroupItem | Readonly<IOrderedGroup>)[],
    ranking: Ranking,
) => IDynamicHeight

custom function to compute the height of a row (group or item)

Type declaration

expandLineOnHover: boolean

option to enforce that the whole row is shown upon hover without overflow hidden

flags: Partial<ILineUpFlags>

custom flags for optimization

groupHeight: number

height of an aggregated group in pixel

groupPadding: number

padding between two groups in pixel

hierarchyIndicator: boolean

show the sorting and grouping hierarchy indicators in the side panel

ignoreUnsupportedBrowser: boolean

ignore incompatible browser and always show (on own risk)

instanceId: string

identifier for this LineUp instance. by default a random id is generated.

random string
labelRotation: number

how many degrees should a label be rotated in case of narrow columns

0 no rotation
levelOfDetail: (rowIndex: number) => "high" | "low"

custom function to compute the level of detail for a row

Type declaration

    • (rowIndex: number): "high" | "low"
    • Parameters

      • rowIndex: number

        the current row index to be rendered

      Returns "high" | "low"

livePreviews: Partial<ILivePreviewOptions>

flag whether to shows filter previews as soon as the user changes the filter in the dialog

{search: true,filter: true, vis: true,sort: true, group: true, groupSort: true, colorMapping: true}
onDialogBackgroundClick: "cancel" | "confirm"

flag whether dialogs should confirm or cancel on clicking the background

overviewMode: boolean

whether the overview mode is enabled by default

renderers: { [type: string]: ICellRendererFactory }

register custom renderer factories

resolveToolbarActions: (
    col: Column,
    keys: string[],
    lookup: IToolbarLookup<IToolbarAction>,
) => IToolbarAction[]

hook for postprocess the toolbar actions for a column

resolveToolbarDialogAddons: (
    col: Column,
    keys: string[],
    lookup: IToolbarLookup<IToolbarDialogAddon>,
) => IToolbarDialogAddon[]

hook for postprocess the toolbar dialog addons for a column

rowHeight: number

height of a row

rowPadding: number

padding between two rows

selectionActivateFilter: string | boolean

additional filter (CSS selector to match or closest exist) to enable row selection, false to disable

true all cells
sidePanel: boolean

option to enable/disable the panel

sidePanelCollapsed: boolean

option to specify whether the panel should be collapsed by default

summaryHeader: boolean

option to enable/disable showing a summary (histogram, ...) in the header


register custom toolbar actions and dialog addons

toolbarDialogAddons: IToolbarLookup<IToolbarDialogAddon>