custom check whether a given renderer can render the given column in the given mode
option to enable to copy selected rows using ctrl-c
custom function to be called when updating a HTML row
node element to be updated
row index to be rendered in the row
option to specify the default slope graph mode
custom function to compute the height of a row (group or item)
the data to render
the ranking of the data
the height compute function or null to use the default
option to enforce that the whole row is shown upon hover without overflow hidden
custom flags for optimization
height of an aggregated group in pixel
padding between two groups in pixel
show the sorting and grouping hierarchy indicators in the side panel
ignore incompatible browser and always show (on own risk)
identifier for this LineUp instance. by default a random id is generated.
how many degrees should a label be rotated in case of narrow columns
custom function to compute the level of detail for a row
the current row index to be rendered
flag whether to shows filter previews as soon as the user changes the filter in the dialog
flag whether dialogs should confirm or cancel on clicking the background
whether the overview mode is enabled by default
register custom renderer factories
hook for postprocess the toolbar actions for a column
hook for postprocess the toolbar dialog addons for a column
height of a row
padding between two rows
additional filter (CSS selector to match or closest exist) to enable row selection, false to disable
option to enable/disable the panel
option to specify whether the panel should be collapsed by default
option to enable/disable showing a summary (histogram, ...) in the header
register custom toolbar actions and dialog addons
option to enable/disable animated transitions