Interface IAggregateGroupColumnDesc

interface IAggregateGroupColumnDesc {
    color?: string;
    description?: string;
    fixed?: boolean;
    frozen?: boolean;
    groupRenderer?: string;
    label: string;
    labelAsHTML?: boolean | IStyleHTMLWrapper;
    renderer?: string;
    summary?: string;
    summaryAsHTML?: boolean | IStyleHTMLWrapper;
    summaryRenderer?: string;
    type: string;
    visible?: boolean;
    width?: number;
    isAggregated(ranking: Ranking, group: IGroup): EAggregationState;
        ranking: Ranking,
        group: IGroup,
        value: EAggregationState,
    ): void;

Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)


color?: string

color of this column

not used anymore

description?: string

column description

fixed?: boolean

whether the column can be removed or not

frozen?: boolean

frozen column

groupRenderer?: string

default group renderer to use

label: string

label of the column

labelAsHTML?: boolean | IStyleHTMLWrapper

whether to render the label as HTML (unsafe) or a custom function to convert a column to its summary label in HTML

renderer?: string

default renderer to use

summary?: string

column summary line (subtitle)

summaryAsHTML?: boolean | IStyleHTMLWrapper

whether to render the description as HTML (unsafe) or a custom function to convert a column to its summary label in HTML

summaryRenderer?: string

default summary renderer to use

type: string

the column type

visible?: boolean

is this column visible by default

width?: number

initial width of the column

100 or 200 for strings
