Interface INumberMapDesc

interface INumberMapDesc {
    color?: string;
    colorMapping?: string | ITypedDump | (v: number) => string;
    domain?: [number, number];
    filterAccuracy?: number;
    map?: ITypedDump;
    numberFormat?: string;
    range?: [number, number];
    showMinimumRepresentation?: boolean;
    sort?: EAdvancedSortMethod;

Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)


color?: string

use colorMapping instead

colorMapping?: string | ITypedDump | (v: number) => string

color mapping

domain?: [number, number]

either map or domain should be available

filterAccuracy?: number

The accuracy defines the deviation of values to the applied filter boundary. Use an accuracy closer to 0 for columns with smaller numbers (e.g., 1e-9).


dump of mapping function

numberFormat?: string

d3 formatting option

range?: [number, number]
showMinimumRepresentation?: boolean

whether to render a representation of the minimum value as some visual glyph i.e. a bar with 1 px instead of 0 px
